UX Design & Prototyping



  • User Interviews

  • Process Mapping

  • Wireframing

  • User-interface design

  • Prototyping

  • User Testing

  • Feature Development

  • Concept Testing


  • Audience Segmentation

  • Personas

  • A happy path journey map

  • Wireframes

  • User-interface designs

  • High-fidelity prototype

  • Style Guide & UI Kit


Working directly with the founders, I created a prototype which was used to demo to stakeholders for investment.

Thanks to close collaboration with the founders the we were able to define a set off new differentiator features to achieve a unique and delightful ride share experience.


Roady is a ride share application that’s customizing the way people travel. The founders wanted to build an application that would simplify the ride share journey and make it a more delightful experience.Together, we reimagined the rideshare experience. .


It is annoying to have to check 5 different transportation apps to find the cheapest, fastest ride from point a to point b.


A ride share application built on price transparency, and personalized options to help ride share users find, and book, their ideal ride.

Competitive Research

We found the people most likely to use Roady are middle-upper class millennials who use ride shares at least once a week.

Happy Path

At this point, our users mental models’ of how ride share works is pretty established. Our goal was to keep the happy path consistent with the experience of the other ride share apps and differentiate at the page and feature level.

I created the following wireframes with a strong emphasis on the following page level features;

1. Cheapest vs. fastest main filter

2. Refresh the ride list in-app

3. Additional and default filters


User Testing

We performed over 35 in person and virtual interviews with millennial professionals in our target market. You can check out a closer look at test transcripts, synthesis, and takeaways here.

After we developed the core screens and features, we decided to dig into some of the additional business needs the founders expressed at the outset of the project.

The founders wanted to identify differentiators that would both add value to their application and appeal to investors.


A large part of this part of the project was encouraging the founders to appreciate the existing features in the Roady application that already differentiate them from their competition… and help them understand how they can capitalize and expand upon them in their investor meetings.

That said, after concept testing with users we narrowed in on three potential differentiators to focus on.

Quiet Ride

In-Ride Entertainment

Recurring Ride

Default Preference

Next Steps

I created a comprehensive style guide to use as a branding and visual communication tool as they seek investment and begin development.


This project reaffirmed my passion for problem-solving, strategy, and design thinking. It required a significant amount of flexibility and a shift in mindset to a more agile approach.

The broad scope of this project challenged me to continue to ask, and answer, “why” each step of the way, grounding my decision making in research.